Donate to FIP Research

donate to Zen By Cat

ZenByCat is giving all proceeds equally between the group and The Bria Fund associated with the Winn Feline Organization. These excellent organizations are working hard to cure Feline Infectious Peritonitis.

They accept donations and payments from anywhere in the world.

For additional ways to help raise awareness and give to research, please help by liking, following and sharing Zen By Cat on social media. 

Dedicated to all FIP angels.

All information contained on this website is compiled from real-life experiences of cat owners who are currently, or have previously treated their cats for FIP.  Most of us are not veterinarians and the  information provided within is not intended to substitute or replace medical care by a licensed veterinarian. 

Attention FIP Warriors members:

Our FB group is experiencing technical difficulties as of August 11, 2020. Please click below to join our temporary back-up group so you can stay connected.