FIP Treatment

FIP is no longer a death sentence.

This website is dedicated to providing cat owners with the most up to date and all inclusive options for treating and curing Feline Infectious Peritonitis.

About the Virus

What is FIP?

Feline Infectious Peritonitis, FIP, is caused by a mutation of the typically benign Coronavirus (FCoV).  It typically strikes kittens and young cats under 2 years of age, or older cats whose immune system has been stressed or otherwise compromised. 

Nearly every cat in the world is exposed to the Coronavirus, especially those in catteries, shelters, or multi-cat households.  Ninety to ninety-five percent of cats who contract the Coronavirus will experience a short bout of diarrhea, but will pass the virus without further complications.  The other 5-10% will have either a genetic predisposition or a weakened immune system that allows the virus to mutate into the virulant form, FIP. 

Previously a guaranteed death sentence, FIP is now curable!  

cure for FIP
cure for FIP

Dr. Niels Pedersen discovered the cure for FIP

The Cure for FIP is Available

Thanks to a case study conducted by Dr Niels Pedersen of UC Davis, GS441 has been proven to be a safe and effective cure for all forms of Feline Infectious Peritonitis.  

Though not yet approved by the FDA, many manufacturers of GS441 exist outside of the US. Currently there are several hundred cats that are treating or have completed their 12 week course of treatment, with tremendous success.  If you are considering treating an FIP cat with GS441, a search on social media for “FIP Warriors” will get you in touch with folks who can provide all the information you will need. 

Everything You Need To Know

Caring For An FIP Cat

Diagnosing FIP

FIP is one of the most misunderstood and commonly misdiagnosed diseases. Read more about recommended tests and diagnostics.

FIP Treatment Options

Whether you plan to treat palliatively, or pursue a cure for FIP, we'll cover all FIP treatment options that are currently available.

Vitamins & Supplements

FIP cats often needs supportive care beyond the prescribed medication(s). Learn more about what you should (and shouldn't) give your FIP cat.

Feeding An FIP Cat

Keep kitty eating to keep her strength up & to avoid the risk of fatty liver disease. Learn tips, tricks & medications to keep her eating.

FIP Resources

Find all you need to know about FIP here. We've compiled a list of case studies, support groups, research groups, FIP charities, and more.

FAQs About FIP

We've been there. After hearing the FIP diagnosis, a million questions come to mind. We'll try to answer the most commonly asked here.

Dedicated to all FIP angels.

All information contained on this website is compiled from real-life experiences of cat owners who are currently, or have previously treated their cats for FIP.  Most of us are not veterinarians and the  information provided within is not intended to substitute or replace medical care by a licensed veterinarian. 

Attention FIP Warriors members:

Our FB group is experiencing technical difficulties as of August 11, 2020. Please click below to join our temporary back-up group so you can stay connected.